Tuesday, August 25, 2015

"…Stood on chairs, / because / cenotaph, / vocable / because / quay, tear / be torn…" / Really System poem soon

Got then that gotten piecemeal the word from Really System on their front to forward in future that when their next is out I shall be amongst. 'Boatship: Port Layout Gossips' is a drag down from awhile back and now seeing its own smearing out of the caves into the townsfolk, as thus spoke zarathustra almost, so have it, rumor and straight, plod and strut, adrift and ahead, this a piece to stray my part of stray parts, on the layering of hearing/here and constructing/awayness. I keep you in awares, invisible disabilities, September sometime.



Tonya M. Foster & Jen Scappettone getting in on the notion of site/place -


A white noise punk protomartyr silver mt zion women half zombie ramones art type sound outfit /
