Wednesday, May 20, 2015

"…we being our own things polarize / the whole..." / two from Ulysses S Grant., Gobbet, E t A l. IV

Gobbet, RC Miller type, has gratuitous foresight, amongst Lynchian bound, scariest Mr. Eddy, mad sax solo, slow zoom VHS real estate shots, lightning cell transformation prisoners, and voided musics dialogue at the party when really I'm there right now prowess, by with some of my horizontalities, "Ulysses S Grant." - "Separate Hanging Land" + "Projections," may exist outwardly, as old as time the horizontal is seen, nothing subterranean. Mid-June is the word on when.

*** the whole movie


And this Boston Review 'Discovery' prize winner by Jenny George is a gem to me of the motive kind, the moving, bustled, furtive one, at once immersive but open at its tips (the manner in which I sometimes remember Brazil's cover), entrance with connective harkenings to what is its context, arrival conduit.

*** Here is that w h o l e movie 


Grooveshark is dead!


M i s s e d readings

Eastside Storytellin' 59 with Chance Chambers,  Lilly Hiatt, May 5****
Eastside Storytellin' 60 with Matthew Leavitt Brown, Dewveall, May 19***** (* Dang, sorry Chuck )

U n m i s s e d readings:

E t A l. Poetry Readings with Ericka Suhl, Tiana Clark ( Kristi Maxwell, alas, was not able to make it )