Tuesday, January 27, 2015

"I am being a way of being unmade…" / new Timber, + new nashville E t A l. poetry reading series, + upcoming nashpo readings

The new Timber is out and about, and a few "Dear Trud," pieces for your open, free, to be gotten faces, have 'em.



Pal Russell Jaffe is head of a movement for spur poetries over at Queen Mobs Tea House, poetries that take place when they take place, 'live poeming,' very & hope, check em, do some, send some. Be stenographers, angry men, jurors (!)

Pshh: Beth Bachmann's APR pieces from "wall" ya'll, go pick up a copy, I'm gonna free-copy some of them and re-post them guerrilla, pirate, che manner to y'all next next.

Comma, poetry mag is a happening spot, and also is is is Justin Robinson thereat.

The Berkeley Review has a real real nice thing hanging off their front door with Ansley Clark's "Like Whales," I just found out 'ol Robbie Wilson started that rag way back when he was schooling there.



Nextern most readings determining Nashville punditry:

-Beth BachmannDO NOT RISE book release reading / Vander, Furman 114 / Thursday, Jan. 29th, 7pm

-Lyrical Brew: Margy Smith Roark, Tyler Friend, Allison Inman / Vander, Barnes & Noble / Friday, Jan. 30th, 7pm

- Gary McDowell reads from his new book: Weeping At A Stranger's Funeral / Belmont Event Curb Center, Vince Gill Room ( ! ) / Wednesday, Feb. 4th, 5pm 

-( A baby from me ) E t A l. Poetry ReadingAmy Wright, Lisa Dordal, Ben Burr / Dino's / Thursday, Feb, 5th, 8pm