Saturday, July 28, 2012

"...Lulled away, I am a perfect / cornfield, I am / a perfect cornfield..." / Poems in the upcoming So and So

Santa Fe, Los Angeles, Big Sur, Santa Cruz

Today spent in the ol' city of cities, a majority of which at The SF International Poetry Festival at Civic Center with my lassies.  And, and, and Lawrence Ferlinghetti, 93, read from his new "Time of Useful Consciousness." Then a woman we met at the literary labyrinth earlier ( I mentioned Hart Crane and she insisted I help heave her up onto a chair, where she spat out/recited "The Hive" by memory outward to the toothy city ) yelled that he should read out something from memory, and he did. What a grand ol' man.

Also acquired:

"The Selected Poems of Federico Garcia Lorca"
Melville's "Moby Dick"
Henry Miller's "Tropic of Cancer"
Berryman's "Love & Fame"

Then Chinatown and ( delicious, all-you-can-eat ) mystery foods, SOMA drinks on someone else's expense account.


O, and So and So is planning a re-birth, and propping up a few of the "I'm  sorry ,  about  Baseball" poems in their next issue. I feel like the applause that erupts intermittently during this scene of Enter The Dragon: