Sunday, March 10, 2013

'Pider / N. Korea. / Who gendered the lit / Vanderbilt

Gettin into it as of late:

Breadwinners, salad forkers, damons and wahlbergs, all are AWPing over in Baastin, so here's our blip: Crawford hooked up an ( albeit brief ) HTMLGIANT shout-out for 'Pider to get going on 'Pider 2

Send the goods that stays good, we want that good sandwich in the fridge for Tom in The Minority Report, not the bad ones:


Hey all you burger eaters, N. Korea's gonna get us.


Because I return to the issue again and over and again again: Quantitative measure of ( the / extent of ) gender inequality in lit publishing

Now I want the Jewish data. Then the transgender. Then gay. Then Italian. Then tall. Then the tall Jewish transgender gay Italian stats... I am the patriarchy.

These books are good books because they're good books. ( 'Author' is secondary, eh ) I am not wanting to take an adversarial role in the equation of unequal gender representation in lit publishing, to ostracize any single, few, or all. I am wanting to not acknowledge gender at all. Gender as some sort of qualifier or exclusionary means, gender as important to what I consider good poetry, gender as a sign of predetermined skill to it.

Did/has poetry experienced a feminist poetic evolution into 3rd wavedom? I can name a few to it. But overt, sustained, projected allegiance to anything whole & outside of poetry in poetry ( other than the poem ), often leads to evangelical, loud, forced poetry. A wrong compulsion ( or one that does not translate with/ in poetry ).


In addition to getting a faculty member's vaj poems in the newer Native mag, Vanderbilt apparently has one of the country's 10 'best' creative writing MFA programs? I don't know which. The Fugitives rolled hard, I'm sure of it.

Fat cat reading in Nashville coming up over at Vanderbilt: 

Stephen Dobyns - 3/14