Lo ( ! ), the return to have arrived, PoetrySucks! rides again ( ! ) , with a cool lineup to their back again event; apparently people will not crush in dimensions of greasehouse Dino's but at the new location at Fond Object. Sat, Aug. 2nd.
I'll be in exilic transfers to California for a week or so to it, 1st through 9th; somebody pick me up from the airport Nash, or I do the highway shoulder walkathon like last time ( a fun adventure regardless humidity, brambles, tick fear ), miles of, horses of it
Jackqueline Frost is rad up the yin yang y'all ( still + again ); put in a good word for the 'p i d e r, its 3rd eh ( ? ). Check also L i g h t f i g h t e r.
So is Protomartyr.
Also, them beefboys, Beef Oven, have that show on the Thurs, Aug. 7th, I think at the Basement ( ? ), like those blokes on Fbook and they'll let you know.