Thursday, July 24, 2014

Missed reading / nashpo / non-home events

Did miss the last Poet's Corner reading over at Vanderbilt, Tiana Clark, though ( and not to justify missing anyone read ever ) had seen her at a Lyrical Brew reading some months back. Did anyone else see her page long looking on top of you poem in the glossy-nouveau Nashville Arts Mag ( ? )

Speaking of which, tomorrow is the next Lyrical Brew, whose readers are Contributor contributors ( ! )


And for all you dobby-come-lately's Third Man Books is a thing, off shoot, quickstorm, strong hand in the mix already, White's Third Man is sure, as Patchett's Parnassus, to prop the Nashpo tent wider to a greater citizenry of literati in this fair city.

Their first endeavor just put out is a gutsy collection called Language Lessons, the thing sounds pretty fantastic, mixed genre/media/avenue chocked full of rich/ standard/ local/ non poets, musicians, artists. Probably go get it.



Plus - if you must get out of your house - go to the free Fort Houston art thang on Friday ( 7/25 ), I think there's free beer and free arts ( if you are not blind ? ), it's over by the Sounds' Stadium.

Also go to the basement show on Aug 2, yarp, to check R. Ghost, plus Lylas.