Lo ( ! ), the return to have arrived, PoetrySucks! rides again ( ! ) , with a cool lineup to their back again event; apparently people will not crush in dimensions of greasehouse Dino's but at the new location at Fond Object. Sat, Aug. 2nd.
I'll be in exilic transfers to California for a week or so to it, 1st through 9th; somebody pick me up from the airport Nash, or I do the highway shoulder walkathon like last time ( a fun adventure regardless humidity, brambles, tick fear ), miles of, horses of it / Jackqueline Frost is rad up the yin yang y'all ( still+ again ); put in a good word for the 'p i d e r, its 3rdeh ( ? ). Check also L i g h t f i g h t e r. So is Protomartyr. / Also, them beefboys, Beef Oven, have that show on the Thurs, Aug. 7th, I think at the Basement ( ? ), like those blokes on Fbook and they'll let you know.
Did miss the last Poet's Corner reading over at Vanderbilt, Tiana Clark, though ( and not to justify missing anyone read ever ) had seen her at a Lyrical Brew reading some months back. Did anyone else see her page long looking on top of you poem in the glossy-nouveau Nashville Arts Mag ( ? ) Speaking of which, tomorrow is the next Lyrical Brew, whose readers are Contributor contributors ( ! ) /
And for all you dobby-come-lately's Third Man Books is a thing, off shoot, quickstorm, strong hand in the mix already, White's Third Man is sure, as Patchett's Parnassus, to prop the Nashpo tent wider to a greater citizenry of literati in this fair city. Their first endeavor just put out is a gutsy collection calledLanguage Lessons, the thing sounds pretty fantastic, mixed genre/media/avenue chocked full of rich/ standard/ local/ non poets, musicians, artists. Probably go get it. / / Plus - if you must get out of your house - go to the free Fort Houston art thang on Friday ( 7/25 ), I think there's free beer and free arts ( if you are not blind ? ), it's over by the Sounds' Stadium. Also go to the basement show on Aug 2, yarp, to check R. Ghost, plus Lylas.
A piece of mail to the address I am at with me in it there, the new InpatientPress anthology paper “Incident Codex,” unfolding newspaper grey full font poems that operate with the page space, are content in it, prose narrative / non narrative pieces, 80 pages. Artist-Illustrator Eben Haines has “Frostbite A” and “Frostbite B”, Krystal Languell, “she prefers either to violets in a fist. Now the time has passed. For the crime. Walk away,” Gil Lawson, “The refrigerator, as with the cupboard, as with the dishwasher, occupies the same space of full in the kitchen despite themselves being full only of very many one more empties. Full only of one more empties,” as in the introductory piece, “each work is its own summoned surface.”
And ha the new N/A is out ( #5 ), I look like how I probably am maybe young, and the work is quite cool, just the way detectives should be, it's Bogart; thanks be to francois luong plus Amish Trivedi. Do spend some time with it, it's got my stamp.
Summertime, got some of the "o n e" over with the esteemable N/A lit journal, a complex magazine put out quarterly that makes me feel velvet to be among. Issue #5 due out this very next week, with whom else I have no idea ( ? )