Monday, April 11, 2016

April's Et Al. Poetry Reading - Yowzah (!) + Upcoming (me) reading, Et Al. Reading...

Last night's April Et Al. Poetry Reading was beyond my hope for a raucous good time. David Bersell embraced the each of us in with his non-fiction/poetry. Maggie Nelson. David Foster Wallace. Richard Harper sailed to soothing grounds then slipped in a hearty rendition of sorts of "Night Moves" deafly singing "Night Moves" while Harper read from "Night Moves," a collection of comments and dialogue-admissions on Youtube's comment section for the video "Night Moves." Then Billy Cancel was magical and thrilled to the space and volume and hurtled at us.

All set off to the tune of the pieces set as context by local Nashville artist Ellie Caudill.


Been reading everything lately, but not sure if retaining is happening. All sorts of magazines from the waiting room. Reading Ocean V., CA Conrad, Douglas Piccinnini, A. Brenza, E. Benick...

It's a wee bit downtrodden these days to do all the submitting and sending of poems, or even to work on poems really, than I'd like to, but the summer shall be writ in sweat toward those ends, and also a split in job multiplicity down to one should do a good trick at that.

I've got *COP lights my cigarette. UlyssesSGrant. Eater, of mouths. All sort of finishing ( *COP needs to ferment into a state that assumes agency more complete and seeing outside me enough, not just satisfying my things ). And, eternal, See, they return.


Next month's May Et Al. Poetry Reading is gonna be complete domination of the rackets - award-winning Chris Hosea, award-winning Douglas Piccinnini, amazing Santa Cruz transplant (!) & Vanderbilt lecturer Keegan Cook Finberg. All coupled to the exhaustingly amazing visual work of Daniel Holland. All at the & among the Wedgewood/Houston Art Crawl ( Tail end - temporally and spatially ). Shit yeah: You are invited.

Also shall be doing poems ( the last me reading was in January ) a few days subsequent the May Et Al. at the next sequential address up from Sauvage Galerie, DRKMTTR, for Eric Benick's "Life is Boring" series that just started. Add to which a band that plays after the four readers do their things.

More on all when & when.
