Monday, January 18, 2016

"…Is it / loose suns / tilt / buildings / to / caves..." / Poems soon: Atrocity Exhibition & Concis, *COP lights my cigarette chap + reading

Called it done at one point - abandoned into a product of disquiet - so Neal Halper, Chelsea Velaga, and Meagen Crawford all did visual versions of *COP lights my cigarette.

Then read them*COP at the ol' Stone Fox via The Regenerates January reading alongside Ben Burr, and Jesse Mathison. Fun drink more inside the poems themselves as a fluid thing as they came out anyways, so I keep saying honest, un-pretensed. //






*Get at me for 1 of the 2 ( or both)  copies of Neal's version -


Got back word from the deep lands outside in snowpack wire banked against biting the curb people out there that my twin poems "Hospital" ( & "Hospital") are due out towards the rear of this Jan month over at Concis

They feature a poem on their front page and, after its had its say, scoot it to 'The Stream' so be on the lookout in either sector for these to peaches.


Three minutes later get back word also from the grand Atrocity Exhibition ( they like Joy Division + listen to flowers, & have hearts ) that they shall be forwarding two also pieces of the ol' poems I've leapt around for a while now, pouncing my chest off about: 

"Town, of year" ( that Marie Claire likes ) & ( the light heavyweight champion of one of the poems I haven't shown, my personal champ in endurance ) "Alligators" -

both from a sequence of chomp chapters ( like 9 or 10 ) called "Eater, of mouths" finished when it's finished.

Apparently their website (AE) is so horrendous the security blockers of the Vanderbilt connection upon whose bosom I suckle for wifi at the moment won't even get me there, but get at the contributions of Emily O'Neill, and Dalton Day therein.

What busy January held to me dear.


Lit drama, again again.

More unthought from people that do not attempt to get behind what they are behind when they talk about what they are behind to people who are maybe not behind it or differently, at least open that dialogue up, baby. Also sort of unwieldy response too ( both sides are hurt slight, slight hurt )

T h i s then t h i s then t h i s

** A not entirely unrelated perspective I read.



Cole Swenson's two on Wordsworth (!) over at Boston Review.


And shall have another time to read this month, on the 29th (FRI) over @ Barnes & Noble ( off West End, Vanderbilt related ) w Lyrical Brew, alongside the establishers or umbrellas of the poetries that get out upon/for y'all Nashvillers - Ciona Rouse, Chuck Beard, & Christine Hall.

Be there, watch me be the sourpuss of the crew.