Monday, November 2, 2015

Upcomings, Searcy, P. Muldoon, SoFest namedrop, E t A l., Note on Tundra proofs in(!)

Zach Searcy, whose work was up as 'Burnin Down The House' an impromptu art show in an unfilled house in East Nashville. 


Before I forget, made the ( awhile ago now ) Paul Muldoon soundtrack in the slipping past of weeks ago ( Vanderbilt Visiting Writers Series ), that before it slips entirely away, his even, nuanced, inviting reading there should be notes for:

'wanting to be in the experience more than christianity (?), than else/ brogue / so as not to separate from him' /// autonomies jumped, hoarse location /// these poems seem to FADE in on … all .../// inclusive physicality to the reading/reader, moving to the audience, agreement made in this, exchanging, storytelling, performative, bard, call + response, fiery tale, storyteller/ATM /// as one occurs, occurrence as an intrinsic / one is in an occurrence that is automatic //// made/make conduit for foreignness / for pace  /// the THICKNESS of his book of his poems /// DICKEY + OLSON + YEATS /// where the context for silence (of silence?) + prominence - Buckhead - oratorial, exactitude, precision timbres, syncopations of rhyme + finish + singular declarations/proclomation /// WHAT DOES HELL DO? /// WHERE IS OUR LITTLE WAR NOW? /// gentleness /// RIM or BRIM? Rim. /// eulogies for poets that require none'


The Southern Festival of Books came & went its duration in the poetry-centric manner that I juggled. Extremely ultra mesmerizing points are topped in the foams in my brains - Rebecca Gayle Howell, Patricia Waters, Adam Vines, Ray McManus, Gary McDowell, Jan LaPerle, Bill Brown, Arne Weingart.

Each astounded in their own manner - jarring, suspicious, authoritative - all the good things that require attendance.

Too many notes, I am under my overwhelm.


Argh: got first proofs back from DoubleCross Press for the lil babe Note on Tundra, due out whenever and at some vanquishing point for myself, promises to keep it real and not vomit in your kitchen sink if I tour behind it or read it all the time.


Two E t A l. readings in the god book of events, what fun these have been with drinking and talks and seeing everyone and shaking hands and scooting around each other, personal thanks to the poets + artists of them - Hannah Gamble, TJ Jarrett, Lucca Soria, Edwin R. Perry, Jesse Mathison, Marie Claire Bryant, Chelsea Velaga, Alexine Rioux.

I'll keep posted in here on futures of them, which there'll be. Come to Nashville yo.

There's an influx spread that considers among it like omelets, or quiche, or stew perhaps the others that are all going now, readings up near you, by those near you, from people near you - one must leap at these and keep the eyes open for them, because they scatter and are not related. They are not known to be related, but a population shows itself in even the slightest presences.

Novembering literarily inside Nashpo/upcoming:

Like especially this. (DIY Poetry Release Reading, PUJOL [or Pujol(?...)], some Vander)

And this. (Classic East Side Story Event, unyielding to time, endures)

Plus this. (The Regenerates Reading Event @ The Stone Fox, fictions)

Lastly, the structured. (Vander related Poet's Corner)