Saturday, January 31, 2015

E t A l. readings for Feb. (Dino's, Thursday), March, April + Bachmann's "wall" bootleg + musics + weather journals

We're doing this now. Feb, April, and March in the works, come on if yr gonna come on, let me know, don't build me up, buttercup. Dino's redone Dino's the event space the 3rd place, its not bad ( 411 Gallatin Ave. ).

Build Me Up Buttercup by The Foundations on Grooveshark

First reading poster up there, hostings for Amy Wright, Lisa Dordal, Ben Burr. Then a march 'E t A l.' reading( with Deborah Bernhardt ), then one in April ( with Sean Patrick Hill ). Keep yr hands open.


The Beth Bachmann reading was phenomenal, she read from new DO NOT RISE, an even fervor, breathy-related waits, toned to a texture of trauma her work insists forces language into fracture, sometimes child-repetitions, sometimes regular repetitions, the manner in which 'wall' ( long, sectioned poem ) is composed in bracketing prose blocks with interstices, gaps, breath-space, leaping syntactic space, rhythmic evolving space, formal ingenuity toward the compressions of including the penetrating violence of violence, into the poem, that which is traumatic is by its definition obscured by self, thus poetry, becomes vehicle, is become by, to be becoming by. Excerpts from the book here. Excerpts from 'wall' under this, bootleggered.



I don't like anything at this place but this, with considerations of, authorial images, la sczhwags type american apparel nowness, but a quickness can be there, the highlander was wrong - there can be many, from all over. From new, & dark dark fucking wizard


Plus since when did Harp & Altar close? I enjoyed their space very much, it was a classy joint.


From Albert Saijo's concerned journal with the weather, private detective thereof, look at these meticulous jots, Hawaii -


Readings soon -

- Gary McDowell reads from his new book: Weeping At A Stranger's Funeral Belmont Event Curb Center, Vince Gill Room ( ! ) / Wednesday, Feb. 4th, 5pm 

-( A baby from me ) E t A l. Poetry ReadingAmy WrightLisa DordalBen Burr / Dino's / Thursday, Feb, 5th, 8pm