Not resolution: / Recurrence. Not cursed together or said / to now be to said / and not given over to image, / just held / away not to.
October, Jackqueline Frost's Young Americans, impromptu reading the other night, same as Parnassus ( something of the place is not my income level or detergent class ), at Eastside Story's outdoor sky theatre, hosted by Ciona Rouse who is kindest. Chase Davenport read, as too Tiana Clark. Jade Sylvan read with smasher energy, wide fluency, full disclosure and hot reference from Kissing Oscar Wilde, it was an absolute delight to have that departure from the reading parameters that often seem stoic and overly so, instead urgent, expelling, prosaic out as memory as in performed of chronicle to self folded in language.
Missed Pile, but heard they played newer and not older at The Stone Fox.
About as far into See, they return as I've been, this from portion 4 -
We call the separate nothing
apart /
eagerness of these which / to move on us
in the place of / meant
a moving / to / crowd
on the person / …
These the keepers whilst -