Monday, January 20, 2014

Of Montreal / missed + next reading / Damien Jurado


Ok. Of Montreal was a physical event. Some were the things that were lost, equilibrium, cash, function, the top of my flask rendering it a tin cup with no mobility now, some were the blue tape tears I wore to the cheeks, some too much so to form earthly language, some was the encore: "The Past is a Grotesque Animal" ( where 4:19 began optic visceral chant ).


Nashville + poetry, tattoo or tree cut.

Missed Rick Hilles read, that was it, missed it.

The next Ciona Lyrical Brew is a Nashville picnic of sun: two local gents from the academy, plus a software developer. I am, in short, directly going, to society.

1/31. That ol' Barnes & Noble. 7pm.



still Kentucky, caves -


And Detroit is for some at the hearts and lips I think. And writers. Like a bumper sticker inside of a red heart saying "Detroit is for writers."