Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Dans tous les sens / Readin n Ranch Ghosts

I mean what is happening in the state of the world when a scumsuckerrr like that can getaway with sandbagging a Dr. of Journalism can you tell me that (.)

Days off, library checkout ( got The Collected Frank O'Hara poems so I can be a happier one, n also The New Young American Poets anthology, which hopefully turns out better than the nepotistic, stale, creatively titled An Anthology of New (American) Poets. All three editors of An Anthology... are present, but only Lisa Jarnot's Sea Lyrics perform essentially. Also good are Beth Anderson, Renee Gladman. ), walk.

Finished Samuel Beckett's collected short prose n lost a wee bit of scaffolding on the inside, parts that aided logic that were parts that weren't operable anymore I guess: 

"Other main examples suggest themselves to the mind. Immediate continuous communication with immediate redeparture. Same thing with delayed redeparture. Delayed continuous communication with immediate redeparture. Same thing with delayed redeparture. Immediate discontinuous communication with immediate redeparture. Same thing with delayed redeparture. Delayed discontinuous communication with immediate redeparture. Same thing with delayed redeparture." 


GlitterPony to closeup shop after 13 issues ( ?, but starting Natural History Press ). 


Californian foodtaster exploring beefcake prince perennial paternal figure for television watching boys of state, Huell Howser crosses that river to boatman hopefully his gold in hand. From an LA Times story on Howser at Coachella:

Howser wanders the pitch working to understand a scene that's quite obviously a little alien to him. One particular fan explains how excited he is to see Portishead. Howser doesn't know who or what that is, but no worry. 
"I don't recognize a lot of these names," he confesses. "A lot of these are kind of obscure, aren't they?" When the fan says that they are, Howser asks, "Are you going to be waving your hands?"
"Well, it's slow music. Maybe waving my hands."


White whiskey pinches yr brains, contracts yr organs. Fugues ( verb ).


Ranch Ghost is a live band the way matches are a good type of fire: one is not capable of imagining that music without sways of locks, the unobscured process in them denim profiles bending your floor n your only foot.