Saturday, December 23, 2017

*JISEI up at the newest #32 jubilat + upcoming Et Al. JAN 13, 2018

Dear made unoccupied like the push west in violent history space, the newest issue of Umass Amherst's grand adhesive going jubilat is out, which has homed some fantastic poets, friends, cholos, odds + ends. 

Since they do the thing where you have to buy an issue to read any of the poems - or sit inside the Belmont University Library for a couple of hours taking notes, pretending you're one of them - here it is (sent feeling great about its form and pace, tonal withdrawal, but in the crawling time since it appeared, began to feel it drab):


Trees’  grey.
of shade
its end

This first
descending is the middle,
temples elder &

Sleep has
your pieces of
this currency
of years flattens beneath

the same attentions, body.
City, & let so.


of your
head of away as
the front of the body is
away. Show given.

Reckon an end contain
me still, change
fell. This nor, &
it ground.

Curled pollen out behind
blind &
holding the money
became glad with others.

Saw denim
scaffolding up the

will of the earth for more
the bone shore fine,
here is
where is a finite we

hold the image

of a man holding
a smaller man upside down,

the hysterical body
out of, &
onto its

Are you room
not home, I embrace

siblings that shade
a shade closing very
onto its own figure
the table around me,

Hands left in dreams,
in snow.

Traced only direction of
circle with ends
of an almost burning stick.

The still, specific, & saying be
vacated for.

Fold, terrible canopy
a sun that
earths some glass
between us
lean away
each others’ temple scald.

Face is the one spreading
from its middle. Unface.

The only responsibility of

is now the
an island has a long
line of us
a beach, of something.      

                                                 Here only is good.

Sunday, November 26, 2017

Posters from FALL 2017 Et Al. Poetry Readings, Nashville TN

The fall happened, now winter. My most sincere thanks and awe to the poets herein.

Sunday, September 3, 2017

FRI SEP 8 - Et Al. is Back, Nashville, TN

The Et Al. Poetry Readings return this friday with a scorcher of a narrative, sonically grasping, iterative rendezvous of numerous points with poetry by Cincinnati poet Matt Hart, KY storyteller Chris Mattingly, & Nashville's inaugural Youth Poet Laureate Lagnajita Mukhopadhyay.

Sauvage, 1114b 3rd Ave. S., Nashville, TN 37216 // 

Saturday, August 26, 2017

These went down *(!) / place of unplace

Both of these events took place to my dear sweet hearts content, & as many thanks as I can possibly contain + produce to those who read, attended, whistled, drank, cheered, laughed, etc etc etcetera'd  (!) Busy summer, next is: FALL y'all // indicate thence from hence.

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

MAY Et Al. Poetry Reading /MY SCENERIES as lens

Dear deary,

The last Et Al. Poetry Reading of the season, May 27th, with visiting poet Davy Knittle, Nashville poets Jacob Stovall, & Bryan Byrdlong, all surrounded by the visual work (show title - 'My Sceneries') of Meagen Crawford (!)

& then I'm off to plan the coming seasons of readings with the suns (!) Stay tuned.

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Friday, January 27, 2017