Grandness upon ye a rich rich feel to have somethings kept to me now by kept to others, or the possibility of, first Note on Tundra being done up at present by the lovely DoubleCross Press folks, now, as have just heard down the grapevines, my o n e to be done nicely, also hand bound, also individualized ( no mass churns out into the economy or brusque product without soul power ) by the always-already cool people over at Inpatient Press. o n e, pieces of which were put up there back in March , co-won their 1st chapbook alongside Dorothy Howard's Troll.
All but two of the chapters of o n e are free to be seen smeared atop the internet, but the entirety of this calm, and stable line of poems will probably arouse me a tear dropped.
Excerpts from o n e over at: Opon
Excerpts from o n e over at: N/A
Excerpts from o n e over at: Gesture
August the month wherein these two vessels unfurl themselves at greater bodies of who knows what.
These dudes /
Brent House has a couple of searing vast intimate pieces ( these 'Pastoral' pieces initiate the temporaral/metonymic/scene inventory-mounded from attributes/ objects/people heaped capable by shared characteristics, the intrinsic surrealism and shock of sense that H. Crane, Rimbaud do leaves one in awe, then critical, then awe again, then reverence, + euphoria, synaesthesias that skew out new behaviors, tint, prismatic standard, + formally organic/Duncan more with smirk/cummings with more intent, + lamentation takes these expanses as their valid field, as do supplications, these templates invoked ) in the newer, skinner, more frequent Kenyon Review, do it to it, get at it, and snatch it up or go the Vander library to read it for free as this dude did, dude. Other poem, other 'pastoral' poem of .
Found this poem-vid-poem over at Moving Poems, wanting to make a vid-poem-vid for 'Note on Tundra' soonly from DoubleCross Press:
'...I wake among walls...'