Also the newishDEAR SIR,is a fun night, one can be out and leather and dance? But Dear Sir, stays fun. Brad Vogler’s erasure (?) proj gets out the snow fear and paranoias and shaky propellants, and C Dylan Bassett’s work keeps close to the bone, does not go on vacation, good ol’ George Mckim punches a hole in the narrative with the connectivity threshold, fusing, orienting, culling in his piece. Also ... 4:30, of
/ Next one in town Poet's Corner, that Vanderbiltish monthly meet, is up again: Rick Hilles - 12/19
I'm a complete vassal for not having readthis.Olson, The Distances.
am reading
Nikki Giovoniread again but not to me, elsewhere ( website design ) Gaylord Brewerread at Scarritt-Bennett, & I missed that ( website whistle ) Then Ciona Rouse did another Lyrical Brew I caught the tail of the trio by that last, but, ah now is December, alongside, curled in, atop.
and what, the music blog aggregator extraordinaire is now a single word hovering at all the internet hordes of internet hoofsounds ( ? )
and been space - Likewise Folio has agreed in principals to set up some pieces in their next batch, to commit batch; they do it bi-monthly. Abigail Zimmer made me do it.