Friday, August 30, 2013

Ulysses, Seamus, DrakeFrank

Ah snap, Drake ( sprite ? sprite ) got tangled with Frank O'Hara ( 'mash-up' ). *


Starting an americo poem-burst named Ulysses S. Grant that has nothing to do with him, except the haunt of handless folk. 


Seamus Heaney, keeper of language ( ? ), departs the earth but his footlong-width 'collected poems' still exists on in libraries.

* ps. / how I adore the ol Frankie O, recommended free spirit boost of the day

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

'P i d e r II / Summer is everyone's oxygen too

Whose lil shoes got bigger during sleep?

'P i d e r  II  - New, Vague, Omniscient

* Or sure go ahead and go back to its previous, first - 'P i d e r  1

Monday, August 19, 2013

"...Swerving / the ends of your teeth, At the sun." / Chunk of Rum Gums in Steamer #4

Nashville narrows and expands, width feud depth and contraction. August has the teeth of summer this way. More whom than where.


'Ol Sam Langer and his Steamer are at #4, and saw fit to stash a bit of mine in there. One can order ( ? ) this zenith booklet ( a set of two ) from him directly ( ? - probably cheap, plus it ain't nowhere online nor even goggle-eyed with at by googling it ) -

You will not be unexcited, unembarrassed.


Have not been sending work anywhere for months now, finishing 'o n e' and configuring 'See, they return' into a chaptered array of facets...

And lo our 'P i d e r II is coming to y'all quiet soonish, with work from some seasoned comrades, and a newborn musico. Keep your eyes open, be looking good ( tambien check 'Pider #1 in case you don't know what's what eh ).