Monday, July 25, 2011

"Evenly wilted evenly upheld/ an arrangement trimming the horns..." / Poem in Fact-Simile

A poem, from a wee bit ago, is due to be a part of Fact-Simile's forthcoming issue, the Spring/Summer ( 4.1 ) issue. In addition to putting out two magazine issues a year ( in print, and free online ), they produce handmade books and other fantastic book-type things ( poetry trading cards to shove in your bike spokes (!) ) from recycled materials. Here's their last issue, the Autumn/Winter 2010 issue.

Among this grand news: migraines from my mother's dna, the renewal of adoration for anything by Man Man, 'Pider administrative tasks/gathering art-music-poetry submissions ( ), chopping up a fat cantaloupe thus eating fruit all damn day.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Robot Melon #11 Out

The new Robot Melon ( #11 ) is up and dandy, it's almost like being the clay in the scene from Ghost where Patrick Swayze, Whoopi Goldberg and Demi Moore somewhat copulate whilst mindlessly sculpting to The Righteous Brothers. That's how I work.

Also, how long has LPZ been charging a $2 fee to accept submissions? Which is kind of like the scene from Ghost where Patrick Swayze gets popped and dies. Where he transitions from participant to observer.

*Highly recommended: Playing only the tambourine, and Dig!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Projector Magazine Seeking Cinema Rambles

Chris Kerr, of Projector Magazine, is putting out the pirate flag and collecting booty. You got to be a spirit, you cain't be no ghost.

Dear Dears,

I am now assembling the third issue of Projector. Would you please do me the favor of forwarding the following call for work far and wide? Besides direct requests to my favorite writers and submissions through this is the main way I make the magazine. I already have terrific work in from some major poets and tall tale-tellers.

If you're associated with an MFA program or writers' group, I'd love it if you would spread the word to them folk too.

Call for Work:

Projector, the journal of creative response to film, is compiling its third issue. Submit stories, poems, and analyrical inventions about movies to by August 31, 2011. Sample work at
. Payment is three copies.

-Chris Kerr

* Art of Mindy Alper

Friday, July 1, 2011

"Laying down in the unconscious fur..." / Poems in OSFR's Finishing Hammers

Happy July. June before it. August after it.

Russell Jaffe has put together a first. An online edition of his O Sweet Flowery Roses entitled, grandly, Finishing Hammers. A compilation of poetic engagements with the fast-rising sport of MMA ( not UFC ).

Hammers is worthy of note for its launch, arc, trajectory, and finish. The sport-poetry vein is long established ( Ol' WCW and Mr. Jack Spicer come to mind ), but always the sport is of a great or commonly agreed upon socio-historic connotation. Now that our attention spans are slight, even, and especially, the convergence of culturally aligned-produced forms of violence hold significance. Those forms of engagement. In his Harper's essay, "The Art of Suffering," Pascal Bruckner chirps, "Only things that repulse us teach us anything..." Men fighting men. The sport of how men do and can fight other men.


"Alligator," so named about the John Jacob Niles tune Little Black Star, is included in OSFR's overture-nod at Mixed Martial Arts.